Coach Jacqueline R. Duncan is a renowned inspirational speaker, pastor, author, and entrepreneur. She is passionate about encouraging women to discover their purpose and is committed to providing them with the tools of information, education, and inspiration that they need for health and wellness.
Our Services
Counseling Services;
Consulting Services;
Coaching and Training Services;
Specializes in Stress and Anxiety, Grief and Loss,
Depression, Pastor's Wives Coaching,
Health and Wellness Coaching; Discovering
Your Purpose Coaching, and Organizational and Restructuring Companies and Churches
Counseling Services
Purpose Pusher Life Coach who provides clients (individually and corporately) with the tools of inspiration, information, and education that they need to ignite, inspire, and ultimately achieve their goals both personally and in their work environment.
Consulting and Training Services
Set up systems and policies, rebrand organizations, write organizational policies, and organizational restructuring which provides solutions, and then executes the systems into place.
The core mission is to help others achieve and improve performance by managing stress and anxiety, providing a practical understanding of stress management using remedies to recognize their triggers, and pushing them towards achieving their purpose and goals. Additionally, helping churches to get structurally organized by providing solutions and executing them.
Coaching Services
Certified Health Aid, Stress and Anxiety Management Instructor, and Training Solution Specialist assisting individuals and businesses in developing an overall mental and healthy lifestyle.
Our Services
Premium is super elegant and Professional Responsive Theme which will create the business widely expressed.
We value every client and our commitment is making sure that we help you build a purposeful life.
We respect your privacy and our commitment is to make sure you and your personal information is protected.
You may contact the below 24-hour help centers:
Recovery Centers of America (877-771-3123);
United Way of the National Capital Areas (Call 211);
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Rehab for Maryland (833-957-0365)