
Jacqueline Duncan is a Belief Therapon Therapist, an innovative Stress and Anxiety Management Instructor, Grief and Loss Certified Instructor, Purpose Life Coach, PTSD Certified Instructor,  Best Selling Author, Virtual Talk Show Host, Motivational Speaker, Certified Health Aid Coach, and an overall Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiast who is known for her ability to provide simple techniques to better your Mental Challenges, Health and Well Being.

Jacqueline Duncan’s success over her own experience with stress and anxiety led to her desire to help others overcome this threat to living a healthy life. As a result, she founded Purpose Pusher Inspire Coaching LLC., Leading Ladies of Integrity Inc., and has authored and co-authored multiple books including the Best-Selling book, You Are Enough endorsed by Les Brown and Dr. Cheryl Woods. She is also the author of From Pain to Purpose: Women of Resilience which was released in July 2022.

Jacqueline Duncan is a Belief Therapon Therapist, a innovative Stress and Anxiety Management Instructor, Grief and Loss Certified Instructor, Purpose Life Coach, PTSD Certified Instructor,  Best Selling Author, Virtual Talk Show Host, Motivational Speaker, Certified Health Aid Coach, and an overall Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiast who is known for her ability to provide simple techniques to better your Mental Challenges, Health and Well Being.

Jacqueline Duncan is also a Virtual Talk Show Host of her Show titled “The Jacqueline Renee’ Show” which appears on Facebook Live every 2nd and 4th Sunday @ 4 pm EST. As a motivational speaker, Jacqueline Duncan has been featured in magazines, on talk radio, and has had the opportunity to speak on various business platforms including the Central Maryland Chamber of Commerce Small Business offering them services on Mental Health, Wellness & Stress Management in the workplace, at home, and in the community.

Jacqueline has proven to be fluid both virtually and in person on various platforms, whether at conferences, retreats, radio, television, boardrooms, and other programs. These platforms have allowed her to inspire, instruct, motivate, educate, and empower a wide variety of audiences and influencers in business, and communities, and around the globe through her knowledge, techniques, success stories, and from personal experience.

Nobody has more passion to see all individuals succeed in becoming healthier. Jacqueline Duncan provides a practical understanding of how one can handle and manage stress by understanding their symptoms and using remedies to reduce recurring occurrences when recognizing their triggers. Helping others to Live a Healthy Lifestyle by Managing Stress & Anxiety Management is Jacqueline Duncan’s core mission.

Jacqueline is the wife of Phillip Duncan and proud mother to her daughter Shekinah. She also has a bonus son, Jamar.

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